Cleaning Your Car’s Windshield

Keeping your windshield clean and clear is important. Dirty windshields hamper your visibility and could lead to accidents. Keep the wiper fluid topped off so you don’t run out. There’s nothing worse than an empty wiper fluid tank.

Also, there are two sides to every story, and two sides to every window. While you may clean the outside of the windows every time you gas up, or run the car through the carwash, the insides need cleaning too.

Be careful with the kind of glass cleaner you choose. Most glass cleaner contains ammonia which can be unpleasant, if not dangerous in the small enclosed area of a car. Ammonia also isn’t good for certain kinds of plastics, vinyl, rubber or leather used in the interior of your car. Consider picking up products designed specifically for cleaning your car.

If you need your windshield or other auto glass replaced, you can be sure that with Titan you’re getting the absolute best quality work. Titan Auto Glass is located in Woburn MA and we serve all of Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Our van will come to you. Call us today! 877-97-TITAN.

  • By: admin
  • March 17, 2015
  • In: How-Tos